Benchmarking Payment Performance to Drive eCommerce Growth

Identify areas for improvement, optimize your payment infrastructure, and streamline the purchasing experience for your customers


Implementing appropriate payment performance metrics helps maintains a loyal customer base

US ecommerce customers will abandon the cart at checkout if the process is too long or complicated
Percent of customers lost due to system issues
Customers won’t purchase from a brand that they don’t trust to handle and store their data safely

Explore further into best practices for benchmarking

From selecting the right key performance indicators (KPIs) to interpreting data and implementing actionable strategies, this ebook equips you with the tools and insights to elevate your e-commerce business to new heights.
Significance of benchmarking and its impact on your business
How to select the right KPIs
How to gather and analyze payment data to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement
Proven strategies to enhance your payment infrastructure and increase conversion 
Examples of implementing our strategies
Trends in payments optimization

What You’ll Find Inside

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